Friday 22 November 2013

Why we do what we do - the guide life

This video struck a chord with me, its worth a watch and heeds a listen.

No doubt making some cash is a requsite to enjoying the things we all want to do in this life, but when you commit yourself fully to anything and work your ass off the money will follow. I made a big change in the last year to pursue the outdoors and guiding as a career path, there hasn't been a day that work sucked since. Sure there are days that are more difficult than others, but whats the alternative.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Lake Winnipeg Ice Conditions Nov 21 2013

Took a walk out (thinking thin) to see what ice conditions are looking like on Lake Winnipeg in hopes to get out after some early walleye.

Its frozen 1-2 miles off shore. 100 yards out from my place it was 2.5-3"...calculated risk as wader fishing last week I found this to be 4-5 feet deep with a hard bottom.

Anyways jagged ice has formed from recent winds and it looks like a nice ice ridge forming out from Matlock, right now there is a 1/4 mile of no ridge further south. The next week or 2 will tell the tale on the ice conditions in the southwest part of  basin for the winter.

Stay tuned. And stay off...for now.

Monday 18 November 2013

Is it frozen yet?

No. But there are signs of freeze up. about 8 hours of calm and cold had about 500 yards of skim ice around Matlock this morning. With a bit of wind alot broke up but there is still a fair bit out there.

Pray for calm and cold.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Getting ready to fish Lake Winnipeg

As the season is on the horizon to chase greenback walleye out on the big lake, there are a few things that need to be consider to improve your odds.

1. Transportation - having a tracked vehicle to venture off the beaten path will up your success as much as a Vexilar. Your are fishing new water, less disturbed. There's also a safety factor coupled with this, getting stuck in trucks can lead to an unexpected stay on the lake. Always have GPS, compass, charged cell phone and means to stay warm should you get stranded. Not to mention means of extracting your vehicle.

2. Augers - early season is forgiving on dull blades and old augers but 4'+ of dirty Lake Wpg ice will limit how many holes you can drill in a day. When the last hole of the day is usually the've spent the whole day working out the puzzle. Consider a tune up or upgrade and new blades.

3. Fitness - icefishing can be a relaxing event, once you are set up. There is no way around it, it's gear intensive. Packing, unpacking, wrestling vehicles and trailers in the cold. Spending a bit of time getting reacquainted with some forgotten muscles will allow you to enjoy the day and season to the fullest.

Check out this piece Brad Dokken wrote last winter about his experience on the ice with me. Its hard work!

Newspaper Article

Sunday 10 November 2013

Lake Winnipeg Primer

A primer for last winter to get ready for those Lake Winnipeg Greenbacks.

The big lake was rolling today. High winds...we needs some calm and cold weather. Not to worry there are other places to ice fish within the week.

Stay tuned, big things afoot this next couple weeks.

With rifle season opening tomorrow morning for deer its time to catch up with some friends and chase whitetails in southern  MB.

Friday 8 November 2013

Late Season Mallards and looking forward to the ice

After a full season of guiding at Scott Lake Lodge for big pike, lakers and grayling I went straight to waterfowl camp in Western Manitoba's famed prairie pothole region to chase ducks and geese.

It was a great season, learned lots, met great clients and had a bit of fun too. After the guests left we went and jumped a pothole loaded with mallards. This video shows about 1/4 of them....some much needed trigger time.

With the potholes and small lakes starting to freeze the birds out, thoughts turn to icefishing. For us in MB the first crack at hardwater usually is the trout of the Parkland Region.

These browns, 'bows and tigers are a treat to catch, grow to trophy proportions and will test tackle to the limits.

With some hot fishing in the Red and Winnipeg Rivers this fall, Lake Winnipeg should be hot again. Be sure to book your spot soon for this winter. The JH Outdoors ice rig for 2013/2014 is going to be pretty wild.