Saturday 27 December 2014

Jumping Cracks on Lake Winnipeg

The spanish-named, Pacific-driven weather patterned that rule Manitoba's December left us with odd ice conditions on Lake Winnipeg.

No snow, ridges, cracks, open water have made for some tenuous travel.  Also large patches of extremely rough ice have left a few areas less than desirable to travel.

A few cms of snow the last couple of days was enough to take the new sled out. (Polaris Voyager 155, which is an icefishing beast)

Jumped some cracks, that were wider than expected but made a full scouting run.

We were rewarded with a good suspended bite on some big fish and lots for the pan.

Even managed to tempt a goldeye on a rattle bait!

Be safe out there, don't assume any ridge or crack is safe, test, travel in pairs, bring safety gear.

Monday 8 December 2014

Getting involved

Sitting down with a cocktail following the first day of the MLOA (Manitoba Lodge & Outfitters) Convention had me wondering. Why aren't there more faces in the crowd?

I see this as a no brainer to be involved with. I'd just like to encourage my guiding/outfitting colleagues to take the time to be involved in similar groups in your jurisdiction. Having a group to be on top of the myriad of issues facing this industry and being an advocate for operators is invaluable. Trying to navigate these issues is a full time job and being present to be apart of the conversation is key.

Check out the MLOA website at MLOA

PS. 17" of ice on the westside of Lake Winnipeg. More reports to follow this week.

PPS. New sled is getting picked up Thursday...pumped. Westside Honda/Polaris took good care of me again on this. Great local dealer!