Wednesday 26 November 2014

Saskatchewan whitetail

What a few days. Friend and Saskatchewan outfitter Greg Hamm from Bonequest Outfitters invited me out to see what hunting deer on the forest fringe in Saskatchewan was all about. After some insane scouting and prep, I arrived and we went through the Bone Show, made a wish list, checked the wind and a plan was formed.

This was the 7th buck that came into that stand. Unbelievable!

1 comment:

  1. Nice deer Jason ! Hope all is going well w/ you, and your parents!! Looks like you have it going on!!! As soon as our economy gets better if it ever does, want to book a trip!! Would really like to get all of you down to fish on my boat , POORE AITTUDE on the Chesapeake Bay for big rockfish!! Not to good on this computer crap being a dumb ole country boy !! Killed nice heavy 8 pt in blk powder season. Hope y'all have a great holiday!! Earl Gray Poore. Phone # 1 540 223 2688
